Functional Form & Fitness

Helping you move and feel and function better!

At Functional Form and Fitness we believe in free movement. We believe that we can help you improve your Function and your Form no matter what your current ability to move is.

We believe that having improved function and form will improve the quality of your life. You will be able to exercise better, recover better, sleep better, work better, play with your kids with more energy, and simply enjoy your life while having the energy to fit more in no matter what stage of your life you are at.

Many of us struggle to find the time to exercise and when we do we tend do it in a rush, we don't warm up properly, we don't stretch and mobilize effectively, and this then affects our function and form and this then leads to niggles and pains or even worse injuries. We then don't rehab properly so the injury returns, and the vicious cycle begins.

If you have an injury we will develop a program that will work within the constraints of what you can do rather than prescribing exercises that will aggravate your injury. If you are seeing a health professional we can work in conjunction with them to get you back on the road to recovery. If you don't have any injuries you will be assessed to ensure you don't have any imbalances and if you do have any imbalances your program will work to adjusting these.

Whatever your situation your program will still work towards your main fitness goals. So whether your training for a marathon or your an absolute beginner your program will allow you to achieve your goals with function and form.

We will teach you to look after your body in order to reduce the risk the risk of injuries so that you can stay healthy and train more consistently.

We have a great studio in Clifton Hill or you can train in the great outdoors at a location convenient to you. you can train on your own or with friends. Our small group training still allows you to focus on your individual requirements.

Call Lino on 0435 806 277 to discuss your health and fitness needs and ask about your free consultation.
